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Exhibition and Awards 강릉원주대학교, 세종대학교 대학원 미술학과 졸업
개인전16회 (백송화랑, 장은선갤러리, 서종갤러리외)
SOAF( coex), KGAF(bexco), Deagu AF(exco),
SIAC (coex), 화랑미술제 (예술의 전당 )참가
2009 춘추미술상수상,
1991 대한민국미술대전 특선(국립현대미술관)
1990 대한민국미술대전 입선(국립현대미술관)
1990 MBC 미술대전 입선 (예술의 전당).
1989 대한민국미술대전 특선(국립현대미술관)
한국화의 현대적 변용(예술의 전당)
자연과 인간전(강릉미술관)
International HMA(조선일보미술관)
색과감성 (화봉갤러리)
23인의 붓질전(가가갤러리)
세원전(제주 문예회관)
해람전(강릉미술관), 아주 특별한 선물전(세종갤러리),
베이징올림픽성공기원 중한여성작가전(주중한국문화원)
한국의 붓질 (세종문화회관), 춘추회전(세종문화회관),
good time 3인전 (서호 미술관,남양주)
작은그림 1호전 (한국미술 Center),
장자의 꿈(서울시립미술관)
현현색색(노암 Gallery),
4월의 정원 3인전 (세방 Art Center,춘천)
2006 -1984
봄의 길목에서 (장은선갤러리)외 다수.
한국화여성작가회, 춘추회, 한국미술협회, 세원전, 해람전,
강원현대한국화회 회원, 강릉원주대학교출강

M.F.A from Sejong Univ , seoul
B,F,A from Gangneung National Uiv, Gang-neung.

2009 BackSongGallery,
2008 Jang EunSun Gallery, Sejong Gallery,
2007 Seoho Gallery,
2005 Hangaram Art Gallery,
2004 Gallery Sejong,
1997 Yeil Gallery,
1995 Lain Gallery, Yemeck Gallery,
1993 Seoho Gallery, Yemeck Gallery,
1991 Gyungin Gallery, Yemeck Gallery,
1989 Yemeck Gallery.

SOAF(Coex,seoul), KGAF(Bexco,busan), Deagu Art Fair ( Exco,deagu),
SIAC (Ceox,seoul), Seoul Art Fair (Hangaram Art Gallery,seoul).

2009 Choonchoo Art prize,
1992 Grand prize at the 11th National Art Exhibition
1991 Selected for the 10th National Art Exhibition
1991 Selected for the 2th MBC Art Exhibition
1989 Grand prize at the 8th National Art Exhibition.

International HMA Exhibition(Josunilbo Art Museum),
Color&Sensitivity Exhibition(Hwabong Gallery),
Paintbrush-ing of 23People(Gaga Gallery),
Special of Choonchoo Society Hopeful NewYear( Gyeungnam),
Sewon Exhibition(JeJoo Art center ),
HaeRam Exhibition(Gangreung Art Museum),
Special Present Exhibition( Hotel Sejong Gallery),
China&Korea Womans Artist Group Exhibition(China),
Korean Paintbrush-ing( Sejong Center),
Choonchoo Exhibition(Sejong Center),
good time of 3Artist Exhibition(Seoho Art Museum),
Small Painting 1size Exhibition( Korea Art center),
Sewon Exhibition(Noam Gllery),
Nature&human Exhibition(Gangneung Art Museum),
Dream of Jang-ja(Sejong Center),
Choonchoo Exhibition( La Mer gallery),
Garden of April(Sebang Art center),
2006 -1984
At the turnning point of spring(Jang eunsun Gallery),etc.
< Member>:
Choonchoo Fine Art Association, Korean Art Association Korean Women Paining Association, Sewon, Haeram Art Instructor at Gangneung Wonju National Univ