Rules of the Women’s Association of Korean Painting

Part I General rules

  1. (Name): This Association shall be named as “the Women’s Association of Korean Painting” (Hereafter referred to as “Association”).

  2. (Purposes): As an association of Korean female artists of Korean painting, we aim to promote development and improvement of our art culture by inheriting our nation’s tradition, raise status of female artists, increase our rights and interests and build friendship and cooperation among members.

  3. (Location): The office of our Association shall be Located in Seoul

  4. (Business): Our Association shall carry out the following businesses to achieve the purposed mentioned in Article 2.
    1. Businesses related to exhibition and creative activities of art works (Regular Exhibitions of members, international exchange exhibitions, provincial tour exhibitions)
    2. Events and publications related to arts
    3. Other businesses necessary for achieving the purposes of our Association

Part II Membership

  1. (Qualifications for membership): Members of our Association shall be those who agree to the purposes of the Association. They shall be female artists who majored in Korean painting (Oriental painting) in college of arts, with a recognized career of more than five years and experience of solo exhibitions of more than two occasions.
    Nonetheless, new members shall be female artists aged less than 50, but when the Advisory Committee recommends them, exception can be applied.

  2. (Membership registration): For membership registration, members shall have all qualifications mentioned in Article 5. They shall be those who have approval of the Steering Committee by the recommendation of advisers, consultants and advising professors.

  3. (Management of members): Members have the rights as follows
    1. Voting right, eligibility for election
    2. Participating rights and benefit rights for business activities of the Association
    3. Participating rights for operation of the Association through general meetings

  4. (Obligations of members): Members shall assume the following obligations.
    1. Obey rules and general regulations of the Association
    2. Obey matters of resolutions of the Association
    3. Pay membership fee and related general expenses
    4. Participate in Regular Exhibition of Members

  5. (Membership withdrawal): Members are allowed to withdraw by presenting a withdrawal notice to the President of Association.

  6. (Rewards and punishment for members)
    1. Those who contributed to development of the Association shall be rewarded through resolutions of the Steering Committee.
    2. Those who commit the following actions shall be expelled through resolutions of the Steering Committee. Those who act against the purposes of our Association; those who act causing damage of honor and dignity of our Association (in case they have not submitted works to exhibitions for two consecutive years without valid reasons; in case they have not paid membership fee for two consecutive years); those who do not perform obligations according to regulations of Article 8

Part III Board members

  1. (Constitution of board members): Our Association constitutes the following board members.
    1. Honorary president: 1
    2. President: 1
    3. Vice-President: 4
    4. Chief Director of general affairs: 1 / Director of general affairs: 3
    5. Finance Director: 1 / Finance assistant executive: 3
    6. Audit inspector: 2
    7. Assistant administrator: 3
    8. Members of executive committee:Undefined

  2. (Appointment of board members)
    1. 1. Board members shall be appointed in the ordinary general meeting of the Association.
    2. Only President and audit inspectors shall be appointed in the general meeting and the President shall appoint other board members.

  3. (Dismissal and resignation of board members)
    1. When a board member does any act concerning the following situations, she can be dismissed by the resolutions of general meeting.
          (1). Act against purposes of the Association
          (2). Dispute among board members, accounting fraud or obvious fraudulent act
          (3). Act disturbing duties of the Association
    2. When a member wants to resign during her term of office, she is required to present a letter of resignation to the President and receive approval of the Steering Committee.

  4. Term of office of board members
    1. The term of office of board members shall be for two years and they can be reappointed only once.
    2. The term of office of board members appointed by complementary election shall correspond to the remaining period of the predecessor.

  5. (Duties of board members)
    1. The President shall represent the Association and directs general affairs of the Association.
    2. Chief Vice-President shall assist the President and replace the office in case the President has an accident or unavailability.
    3. Chief Director of general affairs shall be in charge of general planning duties and other duties.
    4. Finance Director shall be in charge of general financing duties of members.
    5. Audit inspector shall audit finance of the Association and business progress situation.
    6. Assistant administrator shall be in charge of recording notes of the general meetings and meetings of board members of the Association.
    7. Members of executive committee shall be in charge of general duties regarding exhibitions such as brochure making for organizing exhibitions and promotions for home and abroad.

  6. (Advisers, consultants, Honorary President)
    1. The Association may appoint advisers, consultants, Honorary Presidents and President through resolutions of the Meeting of Advisers. Nonetheless, President must be approved by the General Meeting.
    2. Through the unanimous decision of the Meeting of Advisers, advisers can be appointed among former Presidents and elderly artists aged over 70 in the Korean painting world, who contributed to development of the Association with conspicuous services and received Grand Prize or Award of Excellence recognized by the art world.
    3. The term of office of Honorary President lasts for two years. When the next President is designated, Honorary President can be appointed as an adviser.
    4. Consultants can be appointed in the Meeting of Advisers among artists of Korean painting world aged over 65, who contributed to development of the Association.

Part IV General Meeting

  1. (Composition): General Meeting is composed of members of the Association.

  2. (Division and convocation of General Meeting)
    1. General Meeting is divided into Ordinary General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting and President shall serve as a chairperson.
    2. Ordinary General Meeting is held once a year. Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened when the President recognizes its need and more than a quarter of members requests it in the written form.

  3. (Methodology of General Meeting): Regarding the resolutions of General Meeting, they shall be determined with attendance of majority of those who participated in Regular Exhibition of Members (including delegation) and approval of majority of members present. When the votes are tied, the Chairperson holds decision rights.

  4. (Resolutions of General Meeting): General Meeting shall resolve the following subjects:
    1. Election and dismissal of Board members
    2. Approval of budget and settlement of accounts
    3. Approval of business projects and other important issues required for management of the Association
    4. Amendment of rules of the Association

Part V Steering Committee

  1. (Composition): Steering Committee is composed of Honorary President, President, Vice-President, Director of general affairs, Finance Director, Assistant administrators and members of executive committee, and President shall serve as a chairperson.

  2. (Convocation): Steering Committee can convene the meeting or the President can convene the meeting when majority of Board members requests.

  3. (Resolutions) Steering Committee shall resolve the following subjects:
    1. Membership registration
    2. Issues on management of business projects
    3. Issues on business execution
    4. Subjects delegated by General Meeting
    5. Subjects of matters to submit to General Meeting
    6. Other important issues required for management of the Association

  4. (Methodology of resolutions): Steering Committee reaches resolutions with attendance of majority of members of Steering Committee and approval of majority of members present.
    When the votes are tied, the Chairperson holds decision rights.

  5. (Minutes): When holding Steering Committee, the assistant administrator shall take the minutes and keep it after receiving confirmation of the President and more than five members present.

Part VI Finance

  1. (Income)
    1. The income of the Association shall be created by annual membership fee, enrollment fee of new members and common collection from members as well as other subsidies.
    2. Steering Committee shall determine annual membership fee and enrollment fee of new members.
    3. When a work organized by the Association is sold during the exhibition, the artist shall donate two percent of the total amount of selling expense to the Association.
    4. Members aged over 70 shall be exempted from domestic Regular Exhibition fee but they are required to pay annual membership fee
        Advisers, Honorary President and President shall be exempted from annual membership fee and domestic Regular Exhibition fee.

  2. (Fiscal year): The fiscal year of the Association shall be from the following day of Ordinary General Meeting every year to the date of next General Meeting.

Part VII Supplementary rules

  1. (Amendment of rules of the Association): The rules of the Association can be amended with the approval of two third of members present in General Meeting.

  2. (Amendment of rules): The subjects required for the management of the Association other than the defined rules of the Association can be determined as rules through resolutions of Steering Committee.

Additional rules

  1. Enforcement date of Article 1: This rule of the Association shall be enforced from November 13 of 2002
    Amendment of rules of the Association in the Third General Meeting on November 13 of 2002
  2. Amendment of rules of the Association stipulated in Article 26, Clause 4 of Part VI shall be enforced from January of 2012.
    December 10 of 2008 Amendment of rules of the Association in the Tenth Ordinary General Meeting
  3. Amendment of rules of the Association stipulated in Article 16, Clause 3 and Article 26, Clause 4 shall be enforced from February of 2017.
    February 7 of 2017. Amendment of rules of the Association in the Sixteenth Ordinary General Meeting

Internal operation rules

  1. In principle, members of Steering Committee and members from the same college or university shall not exceed more than twenty percent of the total number of members.
  2. Regarding the solo exhibition of qualifications for membership stipulated in Article 5 of Part II, the booth exhibitions in two occasions shall be considered a solo exhibition of one time.
  3. The number of new members shall be no more than two percent of the total number of members of the year. However, in case there are members withdrawn in the same year, it is possible to supplement the same number of members withdrawn other than two percent of the total number of members.